The Pulse - 2022/02/04
Upcoming Live Events
Legendary Key Holder Call w/ Tom Bilyeu
Feb 4th @12:00pm PST
Where: Legendary Lounge (must hold a Legendary key to access)
Discord Link to the EventMelon Minds w/ Tort. Talking diet, routine, recovery, supplements and mindset
Feb 5th @11:00am PST
Where: Melon Minds Stage
Recent Past Events (find the recordings linked in Discord)
Legendary Call summary (no alpha just high level summary):
Talks about partnerships and whitelist, Whitelist DYOR vs IT vetted, Talks about scaling IT, Discusses community feedback, Twitter Blue question and how to integrate with IT Keys (not clear yet), RenderZ discussion, Avatar marketing discussed, Building on IMX, Talked about Project/IT Goals, YouTube and future strategy, Avatar Metrics for success, alluded to Phase 2 avatar ideas, Avatar concept art in works, tokenomics and much more.
Link to the RecordingOn Saturday January 29th, Michal Šísl (aka Zombii |MM |Pilsen |Urquell) was a MelonMinds keynote speaker, and he talked about techniques he uses to get himself to sleep soundly throughout the night. He also discussed at length the methods he uses (including fasting, Wim Hof and cold showers) to energize his body (and mind). Adopting this lifestyle 3 years ago has brought him out of a depression and has transformed his life. ”I know that it's hard. But I like that it's hard.” - Michal Šísl
On Wednesday, February 2nd, Steve Aoki and Tom Bilyeu had a “Building in Web 3” episode for everyone to attend. At the beginning Steve explained how he got into NFTs, specially due to covid restrictions, and as he's been a long time collector of different items it was a clear path to take. Steve explained his Aokiverse and the motivation and intent behind why he’s building it the way he is. He wants to surprise and delight his fans. The Aokiverse credits will have a supply of 50k, will be burnt upon redemption, and participants in the Aokiverse will be rewarded for their participation. Holders of ITFK will be able to mint during presale which will be held Feb 12 - 15. Price: 0.25 eth At the end of the call Tom had a Q&A with the Discord community. For full details on Aokiverse check out #outside-perks channel (see “Key News” below on how to access)
Project News (no new updates from last week)
Merry Modz development continues daily/weekly in the background. Scripts are in development. As it currently stands - a *Modzmas in July* event is scheduled to tease out the team’s progress. Also the Bark Experience will be opening back up. Following that, it’s nose to the grindstone again through ~October into fall time, when marketing kicks in for full for Modzmas 2022!
Web3 Incentives for IT’s community (Community Engagement Platform) by end of Q1 for phase 1, multiple phases to come after
Bounty Board is in the works
All Systems Go already has scripts and going to Art – time target: end of year
Neon Future with Steve Aoki is loosely looking like Q3 now
CoTAG, Wish Academy, Burnland - all in story development
Anime Fans - RenderZ close to launch (outside of ITFK systems). Possible Rewards for RenderZ though for ITFK holders. The tech for RenderZ is being leveraged for Avatar Marketplace.
Avatar News (no new updates from last week)
Avatar dates: going into testing March 31st, Avatar release early Q2, Avatar Phase 2 no info yet
Avatar Phase 1 - Personality Exam, will be assigned a Faction, Create visual Avatar, Full Body Avatar, can get certain items depending on keys and POAPs
How many factions? At least 5 maybe more
Avatar Faction can be reset
Avatars per key? 1
Keyholders get free Avatar and items, and they can buy special items
Non-Keyholders can buy into the Avatar and items
Rarity will matter
Key symbols impact Avatar
Some items can only be earned and not transferred
Avatar Launching with marketplace. Market place to sell or buy items
Not touching Tokenomics currently but there will be a point system
Avatars will be 3D. Hopefully will allow the owner to control the camera angle for PFP on Avatar
Will be an element to that PFP that provides a clear IT branding to help identify community members
Multiple keys will matter for Avatars but wouldn’t share why just yet
When you sell the key, it resets for the new person
Can you stack keys to get a better avatar? No plans
A plan to force re-roll the personality exam on a basis with new questions? Not currently but sounds like a cool plan
Discusses future Avatar ideas (Panda Bears, lol). Confirmed Panda Bears (if you’ve read this far this is a joke lol, future fun plans on this in the community if we can organize together though for a Panda Day)
Not sure on if Points items can be sold with Avatar for ETH (probably not)
Only one wallet can be connected at a time
Avatars has no limit but items do have a limit
Does MerryModz count in Avatar project? Yes
Distinct difference between ETH, points and how to redeem
Physical Merch? Not in Phase 1.
Key News (update to Special Utility NFT)
Legendary: Special Utility NFT is set to release end of Feb or early March for Legendary Keys bought during Whitelist or Presale (Token IDs 1-1387)
During the legendary call on Jan 28th, Tom was asked if he could elaborate on the NFT utility for Legendary Keys’ 3 ETH buyers, and if there was any new development on extra utility. Tom responded by saying there is no development on extra utility to what they already promised there was and stated: “you’re going to find that in the avatar project, so that will be apart of that”. He hesitated to say more but said cool things are to come and that it won’t all come in one lump, so keep that in mind. He was then asked about the extra NFT that would be airdropped for original legendary minter keys. He responded by repeating that “it’s coming in as a part of the avatar project”. He then went on to say that he didn’t want to create a standalone NFT project that wasn’t going to bring any value since they have this project going that has so much potential for things to happen there, therefore bringing more value. Audio breaks up but he said it would still be an airdrop but since it’s baked into the avatar project there will be easier opportunity to exit your position if you choose to do so.
Legendary: Right to Partner terms will be presented in 2-3weeks for feedback and launch date mid to late Q1. Looking at different phases of RTP, later phase to provide some guidance for people with less experience. Note: Right to Partner vs Right to Joint Venture misconceptions
Relentless: Life map for Relentless is done with writing and will be going to Art planning on Q2
All Keys: Outside Perks is back! Ensure you read through the announcement and watch Tom’s video about this.
Link to Announcement and Disclaimer
Staff Spotlight
This week's staff spotlight is on @Connor.
We know he does a lot behind the scenes, but we decided it was time to ask a few questions so you can get to know him a little better…
What is your job role?
I am the NFT Project Manager at Impact Theory.How did your career at IT begin?
My career at Impact Theory almost began in 2017. I was an avid listener of Tom’s first interview show called Inside Quest, which he launched while building Quest Nutrition before Impact Theory (IT). The show had a life-changing impact on me and inspired me to apply to work for Tom.
Eventually, after IT was launched, I attended the very first IT in-person meet-up in Los Angeles. I made friends with the team and started developing relationships. Soon, I created 13 pages of my proposed business strategies for IT, and I sent it to Tom’s team. That was my way of showing that I have thought deeply about IT’s business and was willing to proactively do the work. Later, I interviewed and was offered a production internship, but production didn’t align with my career goals at the time. So, I decided to pursue other roles such as working for a blockchain/NFT company instead.
Fast forward 5 years, and that’s when I discovered that Tom was now transitioning IT into a web3 company built around NFTs. Now, IT was becoming a company that truly combines many of my passions: creativity, empowerment/personal development, technology, storytelling, community, and so much more.
That’s when I sent Tom a legendary DM on Twitter. My carefully crafted message got his attention, and he replied, “God damn. Let’s talk.” Within 5 days, I had an offer letter. The rest is history. (P.S. If anyone wants to see my Twitter message, reach out to me and I can coach you through my approach. This approach will work for IT, as well as any other dream job you might be pursuing.)
3. What do you actually do day-to-day?
As Project Manager, I manage all of our projects in the Web3/NFT space, such as Founder’s Keys, Merry Modz, Avatar Project, Discord Community, and more. To successfully launch these projects, I am constantly organizing information and ideas from Tom and team; identifying tasks, deliverables, and roadblocks; prioritizing where we spend time and energy; optimizing communications and setting up better internal processes for executing the projects.
My day usually kicks off with a daily standup for our highest priority project, which is currently the Avatar project. Then, I spend my time working with our CTO and tech team to make sure all the requirements for the project are clearly articulated and being developed. In addition, I spend a chunk of time managing our other projects (e.g., Renderz and other side projects), working with our amazing community managers to improve our Discord community, and creating roadmaps for our projects (e.g., creating a copy/paste project plan in our project management software).
4. What do you love most about working for IT?
This ties into my answer for what I do day-to-day. One of the best parts of working at IT is that you can take ownership of just about any project. If you have an idea, you can take it from 0-1 (assuming you can make a good business case for it and make it happen). Or, if you want to take ownership (create a bounty program for IT Discord community) or participate in a certain project (e.g., testing Renderz marketplace before launch), you can proactively do that.
I love that I am able to be involved in marketing, technology, smart contracts, community, creative brainstorming, etc. I get to do it all.
5. Fav book or podcast?
Every book by Paul Selig has been tremendously valuable to me. The books are very spiritually focused and somewhat esoteric, but the teachings are also highly practical. Paul “channels” the teachings from a group of disincarnate beings called The Guides. Often, he channels an entire book in 3-4 days and there are very few edits to the text, aside from grammatical improvements and clarifications.
I think every human being should study the teachings of The Guides. It will help you realize how you create your world and yourself based on your history / programming. Essentially, who you think you are is who you have been taught to be by others. These teachings will challenge you to take dominion over your life, and to create yourself and the world anew.
6. Fun fact about you?
I received my first paycheck when I was a little baby. Before I could even walk, I was in a movie called “Raising Cain”. I was in one rainy thundery scene, being pushed in a baby stroller by the other adult actors. I had no lines and I don’t think my face was ever shown. Nevertheless, I certainly put on a legendary performance! 😉
Community Interview
This week’s community interview is with CoachShan (CoachShannonPP#1968)!
Please tell us more about yourself! Where are you from? What are you passionate about?
I'm from Katy, Texas. I served 12 years in the US military, worked in IT and Manufacturing. I moved to Cambodia 5.5 years ago, in an effort to remove the noise of the standard 9-5 and pursue something more meaningful and impactful. So for the last 5 years, I have focused on helping people engineer an empowering mindset through physical activity and deconstruct limiting beliefs through fitness.
I am passionate about holistic wellness and challenging the status quo of the health & fitness industry where people are exploited for their lack of knowledge. I am determined to create an industry that is results-driven, caring, transparent, affordable, and available to everyone.
What first brought you to Impact Theory?
I joined ITU when it first launched around 3-4 years ago, I have followed Tom from his Inside Quest days. I completed about 1 year in ITU prior to pausing during the pandemic when our business was shut down here in Cambodia. I re-engaged with the community when I saw Tom was launching an NFT project.
As one of our most active community members, what encourages you to stay?
My reason for staying active is that I believe in the underlying mission that Tom is pursuing. Ensuring no child reaches the age of 15 without encountering a growth mindset, pulling people out of the matrix. Living overseas you see how much deeper the Matrix narrative actually goes. My goal is to help create opportunities for the vast majority of the world that doesn't have equal access to these resources to help them unplug because they struggle with core needs such as running water, or food. So I am in the community to try to find like-minded people to help me pursue this vision.
What are you most excited about for the future of IT (short term & long term)? What projects are you most looking forward to, and why?
I am most excited to see how the Avatar Project plays out. I had a similar idea for the wellness initiative I am working on. I would like to see the foundation Tom is building so that I can leverage my right to partner perk and further drive the vision I have created for the FitProsDAO.
Are you currently working on any projects that you'd like to share with us? If you have a website or socials to share, where can we follow you & learn more?
Yes, my current project that I am building within the community is FitProsDAO. It started during the pandemic as a way to combine multiple areas of wellness to give bespoke training solutions to clients, while simultaneously donating money to charities that directly supported Covid relief initiatives. The project is being re-booted right now and already has a few members in the community helping to bootstrap it as we speak. We are always looking for additional support and followers to help us spread the vision.
What's your biggest goal right now? Is there anything any of us in the community may be able to help you with to achieve that goal?
My biggest goal is spreading the awareness of the FitProsDAO and our aim to tackle the problem of misinformation, fragmentation, and exploitation in the health and fitness industry. So the biggest help I could use from the community is to follow us on Twitter and get the word out about our project, and of course, if they are interested in building a true DAO structure as a company from the ground up with ‘sweat equity’ we would love to have their support.
What's one thing you've learned in life that you wish everyone knew?
The most valuable lesson I've learned is being able to experience other cultures. It goes back to the "this is water" analogy. Being from the US, you will have no idea how the world operates as a whole until you step out of the filtered narrative of your own cultural matrix. Exposing yourself to other countries and cultures is the best way to immediately challenge limiting beliefs. The lesson is - "Your beliefs, values, ideologies and perception is truly 1 in 7 billion, get out of your bubble and challenge your narrative!"
NFT Alpha
By: starlordGMI (link to Legendary DAO)
Cool Cats NFT:
This project is expanding its ecosystem with the launch of the Cool Pets collection. The Cool Pets have really cool gamified mechanics that are ‘a first’ for a top tier NFT project and I feel this will take the whole NFT space forward. The pets NFT will start off as an egg and evolve over 4 stages to its final form. Owners will be able to interact with their pet by giving it different items. The traits your pet gets will be based on your interactions with it. These items will be tradable on the projects’ marketplace in $MILK, which is the ERC-20 token of the Cool Cats ecosystem. You'll be able to do quests with your pets to earn items and $MILK, while the cats will passively earn the latter. The Cool Cats community and the team are absolutely amazing, so I highly recommend that you check out their ecosystem.
Did you know?
As ITFK holders you will soon get access to all of Impact Theory’s content AD FREE! Who’s going to miss all those Shopify ads? lol
We’re hoping to hear more about this in the next few weeks.
Community Feedback to IT Project Team:
Opensea Attributes need updating for Lifetime Free Mints (In Progress)
Need an IT-run ITFK Twitter, Instagram and Youtube (Response from IT: In the works, Marketing team being onboarded, may be a few months)
As part of initiative to convey unbiased, real community sentiment, several community members founded a group called “Guardians”. These were active members who, to the best of their abilities, passed on their observations, while also providing suggestions and actionable steps on how to improve the experience at IT discord directly to Tom in weekly meetings. Anyone from the community can become a part of the Guardians. For more information look up announcement in channel “updates” which was posted on Feb 3rd.
Does anyone have any ideas on how the community can better communicate feedback to the IT team? E.g is there a tool/platform that allows us to bullet list items we care about and actually up-rank priority as a community?
We’re very keen to get partnered with CoinbaseNFT to be part of the promo campaign they’re running right now.
We’re happy to see #🎨-community-art channel open up, and look forward to seeing more competitions to reward top community art.
Crypto/NFT Bullet News
GameStop is launching its own NFT marketplace
Nintendo says it’s interested in NFTs and The Metaverse
John Legend co-founds new NFT platform to 'reshape the music industry’
Brought to you by:
Upcoming Live Events: 2shady.eth
Project Updates & Building Web3 Summary: 2shady.eth, Jon LeVeille, Jelly Bean, NachoP
Melon Mind - Šísl Recap: Jelly Bean
Key News: Christian.diener
Staff Spotlight: Fast_and_Curious
Community Interview: E.clipse
NFT Alpha: starlordGMI
Did you Know?: Fast_and_Curious
Crypto/NFT Bullet News: Fast_and_Curious
Editors: 2Shady.eth, Maddi, E.clipse, Jon LeVeille, Gigi, Fast_and_Curious, Christain.diener, NachoP, Jelly Bean
Visuals: Maddi, Marshoush90